Still under

 host CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3500+
 host operating system: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS,
      kernel: Ubuntu 2.6.15-26-amd64-k8 (SMP PREEMPT)
 QEMU: 0.8.2, configured with -cc=gcc-3.4 --enable-alsa
 kqemu: 1.3.0pre9

I tried to install Debian testing i386 in a vm with
3 virtual disks, booting from a Debian etch netinst iso file
(with a 2.6 kernel):

 vdeq qemu-system-x86_64 .. -hda .. -hdb .. -hdd .. -cdrom .. -boot d

On many CD reading attempts there were longer-than-normal waits, for
which the kernel reported

  hdc: DSC timeout

This occurred both with and without the -kernel-kqemu option active.

But it *didn't* happen when I tried the same installation process only
using one virtual disk image  (-hda ...  -cdrom ...).

Are there any know issues (or recommendations against) using all 3
"hard disk connections" (-hda -hdb -hdd) ?

Best regards
                           J Esteves

+351 939838775   Skype:jmcerqueira

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