Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 4:07 AM NyOS wrote:

On Wed, 02 Aug 2006 20:07:46 +0200, Andreas Bollhalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Hello
>> It seems that the aio support broke my MinGW build batch under Win32. Is
>> it suposed to work on WIN32 ?
>> Any ideas ?
>> Andreas

>Support for kernel AIO has been included in the 2.6 Linux kernel."


>So, I don't think so. But please correct me, if I'm wrong.

Asynchronous I/O is implemented by overlapped I/O for Win32 but it is not

I tried to make the program. A patch attached fixs compile errors.

I found some problems about it.
GetFileSizeEx needs to define WINVER 0x0500. It means that Windows 98/Me
host is not supported.
If we try to support Win 98/Me host, it is necessary to change configure to
use --enable-win9x and make another binary, etc.

The first attempt to open a hard disk image with a drive letter always
failed. After the second time is OK.


Attachment: qemu-20060803-aio.patch
Description: Binary data

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