On Thu, 2006-06-07 at 00:48 +0200, Flavio Visentin wrote:
> This is qemu-DEVEL, not qemu-HELP; it's supposed to be a place where to
> chat about the development and related issues (although lack of doc is
> effectively a development issue).

Yes. As I wrote in my initial email, I wrote here because the doc is a
development issue and I couldn't find a Bugzilla. I'm grateful that
several people showed me how to use qemu although that's not what this
list is for. In return, I offered a sample tutorial that I feel
addresses the development issue I pointed out in my first post.

  "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
  unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
  Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
        -- George Bernard Shaw

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