On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 16:34 -0400, Joe Lee wrote:
> BTW, I am curious to know how much would it cost to develop a good 
> GUI-Frontend for QEMU that would be comparable to VMware. How much man 
> hours would this likely take?
> Joe

Firstly, we do not have to start from scratch. There are some excellent
examples of gui's as separate projects. We just need a benevolent
dictator to "select" one as a concept, so the project will focus on a
main branch.

I will put forward my vote in advance for gtk. Cross platform, always
free, no strings attached. 

I am not a very good programmer. I could do a simple gui is one day, a
comprehensive one may be a solid month. But the quality of my code would
not be as good as the existing options.

I tried qemu-launcher. Loved it, then upgraded qemu and it no longer
works. Hence I would like the gui to be in the main project, so they
stay synchronised.

Fortunately a lot of the work has already been started in the separate
projects. It would be better to select one and build on it, than
starting over.

I would never advocate taking away the text based interface. That in the
MS domain. But an installer + default gui will go far.


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