Is there a patch submission policy for QEMU? I see a lot of patches posted to this list. Some get accepted, some get rejected with comments, and others seem to be ignored. Back in February, I submitted a patch which expands the SAMBA capabilities of QEMU to allow multiple folders to be shared, and was backwards compatible with the old syntax. I resubmitted the patch via private email to the lead devs (Fabrice and Paul, the latter I presume can be considered a lead dev as he appears to have CVS commit access), but again got no feedback.

I'm perfectly willing to accept that my patch isn't good enough for inclusion, or even that the new functionality is not wanted (although, I'd be dissappointed). But without any feedback whatsoever, I can't make improvements and, quite frankly, am feeling a little bit left out in the cold.

So, I've decided to be the squeaky wheel. I've attached an updated patch the cleanly applies to current CVS. Please feel free to attach whatever license is necessary for distribution with QEMU. I welcome any feedback, and await an oil can or the junkyard. :)

- Dave

Attachment: smb-multishare-20060501.patch
Description: Binary data

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