Am Mittwoch, den 29.03.2006, 21:26 -0500 schrieb Andrew Barr:
> The virtual keyboard and mouse appear to be confused after loadvm'ing on 
> Windows XP SP2 (and 2000 SP4 as well) guest (Qemu CVS on Linux host). The 
> control key appears to be stuck down. While looking for something unrelated 
> in the mailing list archives, I found these:
> It appears to be describing the exact same problem, but on a Linux guest. The 
> suggested solution was to press Ctrl, Shift, Alt one after the other after 
> restoring the VM. This doesn't appear to work on my Windows guest. Is there 
> another way to fix this?

i dont know if it is the exactly same bahavior i encountered:
here the keys were >totaly< messed up (i used cvs version) on #qemu
irc-channel a patch for this was posted at the url:

this might help - at least it did help fixing my problem.


p.s. paul brooks: is this to be going into cvs at some point, or did it
already happen and i missed it

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