Ed Swierk wrote:
I'm still getting a kernel panic running a Linux guest kernel with
-kernel-qemu. I'm using kqemu-1.3.0pre5 and
The guest kernel is a precompiled Fedora Core 4 kernel, version
2.6.14-1.1656_FC4. It works fine with kqemu in non-kernel-kqemu mode.
Any hints for how to track this problem down?
I was getting an almost _identical_ error on my laptop.. turned out I had forgot to copy the latest
and greatest bios *.bin files to /usr/local/share/qemu
Updated the bios from the cvs source dir and it's all been peachy since..
Hope yours is similar..
You do need to be running the absolute latest cvs really for this to work
My desktop was ok, but my laptop was a couple of days worth of commits out of
date and *boom*
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to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable
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