No problem... hopefully Fabrice will apply this patch to CVS soon.
We've been testing/deploying this mechanism (every 16th interrupt) with
Win4Lin Pro for a long time now with no disk full problems, so I can
vouch that it's reliable (and quite fast compared to delaying on *every*
interrupt). As for the DMA reintroducing the problem, that's
understandable since Fabrice didn't originally implement the
win2k_install_hack check for the DMA callback in hw/ide.c. It was a
moot point since DMA didn't work with Windows 2000 anyway in QEMU CVS
until very recently, but since it does now, it will cause problems
unless it handles -win2k-hack as well.
- Leo Reiter
Brad Campbell wrote:
Using todays CVS, and kqemu in user mode only I tried to install
Win2k-SP4 25 times all with disk full errors until I applied this patch.
It would appear the installer will use DMA mode if it's available and
therefore the existing win2k-hack does not work.
Using this patch 5 out of 5 installs worked perfectly.
Thanks Leo :)
Leonardo E. Reiter
Vice President of Product Development, CTO
Win4Lin, Inc.
Virtual Computing from Desktop to Data Center
Main: +1 512 339 7979
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