Dear Jim...

> Ok, I managed to fix my VDE issues and get this to work on eth0.
> Working sources for vde-inject and vde_pcap_inject attached.

I haven't tested, so I will just give "untested" comment :) Great work 
Jim, finally you can work on it and release the code to the public

My first note: please get rid  those .o, mod.o and etc :) You just need 
to ship out the C file, Makefile and GPL statement  :)

Second, I attach a patch (in gzipped) that adds:
- parameter to define the target network device to be used (as you wish 
:) )
- changing 0 to -1 when it can't create /proc entry or getting device 
- "clean" target on Makefile



Attachment: parameter.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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