On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 11:53:20PM -0500, Mick Weiss wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/qemu-doc.html#SEC32 does not mention 
> that it is possible to correct this by getting SP2. I have not varified 
> this myself (I was told this on #qemu on freenode).
> If this is indeed possible to run Windows XP on QEMU, then why isn't 
> this in the docs?

It is in the #qemu Wiki.

Why it is not in the official docs, I don't know. Probably no one has bothered
to tell Fabrice.

> Could someone varify if this does indeed correct the problem?


> Also, is
> there a bug # for this?

Huh? We have a bugzilla system now??

When did this happen?

> Thanks!
> - Mick
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