The kqemu module wouldn't load because I had compiled the kqemu module
using gcc 4.0.2, whereas the kernel had been compiled using gcc 3.4.5.
I recompiled the module using gcc 3.4.5 and it worked wonderfully!

2005/11/21, Shaun Jackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I compiled kqemu 0.7.2 but when I try to insmod the module I get an error:
> # insmod /lib/modules/2.6.11-9-amd64-k8/misc/kqemu.ko
> insmod: error inserting
> '/lib/modules/2.6.11-9-amd64-k8/misc/kqemu.ko': -1 Invalid module
> format
> Compiling the module seemed to go cleanly. Any suggestions on where I
> might have gone wrong?
> Please cc me in your reply. Thanks,
> Shaun

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