Richard Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re: User-net not working:
> > Disabling the Nagle algorithm (i.e., enabling TCP_NODELAY) or typing a
> > lot of garbage just to fill the buffer with enough data can help,
> > also.
> > 
> > And IIRC, netcat has a UDP mode as well. I see no reason for this to
> > happen, but is there any chance it's using UDP by default, and you're
> > only redirecting TCP?
> > 
> > Good luck!
> Thanks for your message.
> I think that -redir really is broken: I've also been unsuccessful in 
> trying to make it work using an FTP server on a Windows guest, and using 
> the SSH server on a knoppix guest. Has anyone here ever had success with 
> it? It also fails on hosts with 2 different versions of Mandrake.
> Anyway, I've taken your suggestion, and run both ends with ethereal. 
> Here's what I did:
> HOST (Linux);
>    qemu -cdrom /dev/cdrom -boot d -user-net -redir tcp:2200::22
> GUEST (Knoppix):
>    Boot up, then start sshd. Verify that I can indeed do ssh
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED], and that PermitRootLogin is yes in sshd_config.
>     Then, start ethereal (on the "any" interface)
>    Start ethereal (on the "any" interface")
>    ssh -p 2200 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   At this point, ssh just stalls. It's obviously waiting for something,
>   but not known what. I get no output at all from it.

Can you try "ssh -p 2200 root@<my IP address not localhost>

I've run into this several times dealing with the -redir
function, especially since localhost resolves as
On my Solaris host with a linux guest, the packet arriving
showed up as, which ended up with the same
behavior as you're describing.


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