On Tuesday 15 November 2005 12:23, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Dave Feustel wrote:
> > I am making progress as I modify the Qemu source code to work 
> > around a number of OpenBSD deficiencies. I don't yet know how
> > to fix the following problem which occurs about 25 times in op.h:
> > 
> > C statements of the form
> > 
> >    *(uint32_t *)(gen_code_ptr + 210) = (long)(&) + 14;
> > 
> > generate syntax errors (apparently because of the use of "(&)")
> > with the c compiler used in OpenBSD 3.7 (gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 (propolice)).
> "(&)" is not valid C.

That's what I thought too. "&" requires an operand. So why are these lines of 
in op.h? Should they be commented out? Should a dummy operand be inserted?
What is the fix?

> > Similar statements with a symbol following the "&" (eg "(&xyz)") do
> > not generate syntax errors.
> Because that is valid C.
> -- Jamie

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