On δΊ”, 2005-11-04 at 15:52 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, zheng sw wrote:
> > Host want to get the guest's IP when the host start the guest?
> Why?
Beause I want to login the guest with ssh in another computer, and do
some test in it.
> > My setting is: debian(2.6.8), qemu, bridge-utils, TUN/TAP. The
> > guest get a IP from a DHCP server which is in the same subnet whit
> > host.
> Ok.
> > My purpose is use bash to run ssh connect to the host, then run
> > qemu, After the guest is started, the host want to get the guest's
> > IP and send to me, but nobody will control the guest. Now I am
> > puzzle in how the host get the guest IP.
> The most obvious way would be to use dynamic DNS updates, supported by 
> most DHCP servers, automatically registering the guest host name in DNS.
I think it's difficult to do such actions in program or script.
> Another way is to have a init script in the guest to somehow tell the host 
> what IP address it has.
In this way, the guest don't know the host IP except I send a message to
guest when qemu run, Beause I may run qemu in different computer. When
read the document, I can't find any way to send a message to guest in
the command line or script.

The best way I think is get the output of guest when it booting. I only
find the option of redirect the guest output use -serial dev. But I
can't read the output when use -serial pty. Is any other ways?

thank you!
Best Regards
Zheng SW
> Regards
> Henrik

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