octane indice wrote:
Still doesn't work for me :/ I think that the problems comes
from the tomsrtbt.
if tomsrtbt is the only guest : no IP given
if tomsrtbt is launch with -macaddr xx : no IP given
if tomsrtbt is launch after another guest : no IP given
if I launch a real tomsrtbt, on a real host with a real DHCP
server on the network, tomsrtbt got an IP
What dhcp client does tomsrtbt use?
If it uses dhclient (the ISC dhcp client), you should see some lines
about DHCP in the syslog. With other clients (eg. pump) you can try to
start the client manually (perhaps with some -v option to turn on
verbose output) and see if it tells you something interesting.
Usually the clients indicate whether they found a dhcp server at all,
and whether it supplied an ip address.
Good luck,
Oliver Gerlich
Qemu-devel mailing list