On Sun, 21 Aug 2005, Sylvain Petreolle wrote:

--- malc a ?crit :

At http://www.boblycat.org/~malc/code/patches/qemu/index.html you will
c. ALSA driver

ALSA driver could have been better, i guess, but given state of ALSA
documentation this is not terribly surprising, if you are an ALSA
expert by all means fix it.
look at alsa homepage, there are tons of links to developer FAQs/HOWTOs.
One of them, with extremly detailed code :

Been there. Those FAQs and HOWTOs are enough to maybe write a wav player,
the general documentation quality of ALSA leaves alot to be desired.
To set the record straight i did the driver out of curiosity and learned
enough to have no desire continuing it.


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