Based on experiences with Q, I rewrote the cocoa port.

It features now:
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Full screen
- Hardware CD-Rom support
- Possibility to create/save guest PC profiles
- Toolbar to load images for fd/cd and save/shutdown/reset guest PC
- graphic interface to create/change/delete/start guest PCs
- new command line options (only for the cocoa port)

At the moment it lacks:
- Sound
- possibility to start multiple guest PCs

The diff is rather large (~800kb). You find diff and binaries at:

It compiles on 10.2.x (search this list for questions on poll.h) and 10.3.x
The binaries provided should run on 10.3.x and 10.4.x

At the moment I got stuck with cleaning up after a guest PC, so I can start a new one or even multiple guest PCs. (this is still perfectly possible with multiple instances of QEMU)

I create a new Object (cocoaQemu.m) for the guest PC, then I start the guest PC with a new NSThread. After completion, I can create a new Object, but the guest PC won't start. (I called/rewrote the functions in atexit but there must be some more things to be cleaned up before)

There are some Problems with multiple guest PCs at the same time, too. For Example: '-smb' creates a temp directory with the PID. This makes multiple smb configurations impossible. It might be better to use a timestamp.

I'm not sure whether that was ever intended.
So if you have an Idea, please drop a note.


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