On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 04:43:54PM +0000, Bob Barry wrote:
> That sounds spot on.  But it doesn't work.  The cause of the problem was 
> updating
> all packages (Gentoo "emerge world") which wiped my qemu-friendly sdl.  I've
> tried installing sdl-1.2.7 and sdl-1.2.8, with both the Gentoo installer and 
> by
> "./configure, make, make install", with x specifically enabled.  When I try 
> to run qemu
> after compiling sdl with svgalib disabled, it complains "can't start sdl, 
> exiting".  When I
> try to run qemu after compiling sdl with svgalib enabled, it complains "can't 
> find svgalib-helper".
> It never recognizes the availability of X.  But after every compile of sdl, 
> both with and
> without svgalib enabled, I checked that applications in the SDL-1.2.8/test 
> directory would
> run - and they always use X and run beautifully.  It seems like something in 
> the qemu
> "SDL-starter" is demanding svgalib.
> Suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bob Barry

Sounds similar to an issue I've heard where those trying to get SDL to work
with the framebuffer cant because SDL demands X11.

I recommend compiling SDL w/o svgalib support, and then modifying sdl.c
to report the error. Specificly, change sdl_display_init so this line

fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize SDL - exiting\n");

becomes this line

fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize SDL - %s\n", SDL_GetError());

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