Fri, 24 Jun 2005 22:30:40 +0100, Ronald wrote:
> the win32 installers on FreeOSZoo are build on a linux box :)

I recently finished building an QEMU image based build environment for
compiling OpenEmbedded (OpenZaurus, NLUS2, etc)...   In my case it
cross-compiles arm binaries on the x86 QEMU image.

Overall I think a Linux image cross compiling is the way to go for
easy of distribution.

Here are my suggestions:
- Compiling inside QEMU is slow, but ought to be fast enough for
something as small as QEMU (in OE's case you have to compile ~1.2 GB
of source which takes ~1.5 days on an AMD64/Win32 host)

- Use a Debian text-only installation; it needs less then 600MB, zips
to ~150MB and is easy to update.

- Make a separate partition for all build output (i.e. hdb1) - that
way the Guest OS can be maintained and the build can be chucked by
dropping the partition / disk image (hdb).

- Steal the stuff I've done and adapt it... You can find it at (the small file being
the build user's directory, the big being the whole image w/ build
user directory)

- If there are any questions about my stuff don't hesitate to ask...
(I get digests of  this list so you might want to cc me directly)


(author of QEMUMenu)

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