> I've been trying to install various old versions of DOS under Window's v0.70
> of qemu from FreeOSZoo.
> And since so few people appear to be using the Windows version, I've been
> making a point to do as much testing as I can, with as wide a variety of
> operating systems as I can find.
> >From version 5 on up, I only have a few problems (Which I've already
> reported.)

I want to come back on the last item. I have made images of my 15y old 720k
floppies, and jumped back to 1991 this morning.
- 3x720k for DOS5.0
- 7x720k for win3.00a
- 7x720k for works2.0

all original, not warez. Cost a bunch back in 1991 :(

I tried a few things:
- install dos: ok
- install win: ok
- mouse: ok, no change of speed on qemu070/XPhost
- floppies 720k: ok. The catch to format them is to either quick format them,
not in high density. Inside win3.00a, it works like a breeze.

win3.00a even recognise 18M of ram to play with.
I've seen no problem whatsoever. Do you want my bins jeebs ?


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