--- Comment #42 from Charlie Li <> ---
(In reply to Konstantin Belousov from comment #40)
Ironically this proves my point/argument of not making available newer Python
distributions yet. From a maintainer-support angle, keeping the complaining and
such contained here with this one subject is better than multiple threads on
multiple subjects, explained henceforth.

Let's say we do commit/make available lang/python312 and lang/python313, but
without the bits to register them as valid FLAVORs. From a user
(generously) perspective:
- sees CPython > 3.11 available in ports/packages
- installs one or both
- changes ${PYTHON_DEFAULT} to that version

Ports/packages user:
- finds out no packages for the desired CPython available/built from ports
- starts thread about the aforementioned
- somebody posts a patch enabling the intentionally not registered FLAVOURs
- people test said patch locally
- "wtf hardly anything builds"
- chaos ensues over trying to get stuff to build

For the user who claims to only use specifically venv virtual environments,
unfortunately you are still interacting with Python ports/packages as
dependencies for other programs (Python or not) from ports/packages. But even
with a venv, you will have to run ensurepip yourself in there to bootstrap a
usable and update-able pip. We do not ship a bootstrapped pip in the Python
distribution port build, nor should we, as it prevents/conflicts with pkg(8)

Bottom line, the Python ecosystem is confusing and fast-changing enough, even
for maintainers and others who keep close tabs, let alone everyone else. We
don't need to incite more confusion and debt.

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