Andreas Rossberg wrote: > Yes, technically you are right. But this makes a pretty weak notion of > mutability. All stateful data structures had to stay within their > lexical scope, and could never be passed to a function.
Not really. The way Hermes handles this is with destructive assignment. Each variable holds a value, and you (almost) cannot have multiple variables referring to the same value. If you want to assign Y to X, you use X := Y after which Y is considered to be uninitialized. If you want X and Y to have the same value, you use X := copy of Y after which X and Y have the same value but are otherwise unrelated, and changes to one don't affect the other. (As almost an aside, the non-scalar data structures were very similar to SQL data tables.) If you declare (the equivalent to) a function, you can indicate whether the paramters matching the arguments are passed destructively, or are read-only, or are copy-in-copy-out. So you could declare a function, for example, that you pass a table into, and if it's marked as a read-only parameter, the compiler ensures the callee does not modify the table and the compiler generates code to pass a pointer. One could also mark a variable (for example) as uninitialized on entry, intialized on return, and uninitalized on the throw of an exception, and this could be used (for example) for the read-a-line-from-a-socket routine. The only value that came close to being shared is an outgoing connection to a procedure; the equivalent of the client side of a socket. For these, you could make copies, and each copy would point to the same receiver. The receiving process could change over time, by passing its end of the socket in a message to some other process (live code upgrading, for example). Since everything could be passed as part of a message, including code, procedures, tables, and "inports" and "outports" (the ends of sockets), I don't see that it had any problems with first classness. > OK, if you prefer: it is an aspect of first-class mutability - which is > present in almost all imperative languages I know. :-) I disagree. It's entirely possible to make sophisticated imperitive languages with assignment and without aliasing. -- Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST) This octopus isn't tasty. Too many tentacles, not enough chops. --