Marshall wrote: > Now, I'm not fully up to speed on DBC. The contract specifications, > these are specified statically, but checked dynamically, is that > right?
Yes, but there's a bunch more to it than that. The handling of exceptions, an in particular exceptions caused by failed pre/post conditions, is an integral part of the process. Plus, of course, pre/post condition checking is turned off while checking pre/post conditions. This does make sense if you think about it long enough, but it took me several months before I realized why it's necessary theoretically rather than just practically. > Wouldn't it be possible to do them at compile time? For some particularly simple ones, yes. For others, like "the chess pieces are in a position it is legal to get to from a standard opening set-up", it would be difficult. Anything to do with I/O is going to be almost impossible to write a checkable postcondition for, even at runtime. "After this call, the reader at the other end of the socket will receive the bytes in argument 2 without change." As far as I understand it, Eiffel compilers don't even make use of postconditions to optimize code or eliminate run-time checks (like null pointer testing). -- Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST) This octopus isn't tasty. Too many tentacles, not enough chops. --