
> Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
>> But why use a metaclass?  If the meta class is only applied to *one*
>> class, can't you do at class level whatever the metaclass is doing!?
> The very fact that you can put a loop inside __metaclass__ may be reason
> enough for a one-off metaclass.

Ah, it's not the loop but the access to the `dict`!  You can write loops
at class level too but I haven't found a way to access `X`s `__dict__`
because `X` does not exist at this point.

> Here's a contrived example:
> class X :
>     def __metaclass__( name, bases, dict ) :
>         for k,v in dict.items() :
>             if k.startswith('get_') :
>                 dict[ k[4:].upper() ] = property( v )
>         return type( name, bases, dict )
>     def get_a( self ) :
>         ...
>     def get_b( self ) :
>         ...
> o = X()
> print o.A
> print o.B

BTW, if that's what gangesmaster is after then it seem to work already. 
Put ``(object)`` after ``X`` and return something, say 'a' and 'b', in the
getters and the example prints 'a' and 'b'.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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