Hey, thanks for the reply Jean-Paul.

That's pretty cool knowing that Python 2.5 will have it out of the
box, however what about basic out-of-the-box functionality in 2.4 (or
even older)?
In all my other experiences Python comes with a lot of tools already
available, it seems odd not to have basic database functionality
installed as default.

On 7/3/06, Jean-Paul Calderone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Jul 2006 13:41:24 +0100, Alex Biddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hey there.
> >
> >I was wondering whether Python had any support out-of-the-box for
> >database functionality, or database-like functionality.
> >
> >For instance a lot of shared hosts have Python installed, but not the
> >MySQL extension, the flexible of these would install it, but most of
> >the time they wouldn't bother.
> >
> >I was really looking for something like SQLite which ships bundled
> >with PHP these days. Or any standard way of connecting to generic
> >databases out of the box, i.e. MySQL.
> See these Python 2.5 docs:
>   http://docs.python.org/dev/lib/module-sqlite3.html
> Jean-Paul
> --

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