> Thanks for the info. No thanks for the smarmy "pony" comment.
Do you really want "smarmy" here? I don't think it works. Don't you mean "flip" or "smart-alecky" or "facetious"? Websters 3rd Unabridged Main Entry:smarmy Function:adjective Inflected Form:-er/-est 1 : SLEEK *smarmy-headed David Walker* 2 : unctuously or fulsomely flattering : SLOBBERY, GUSHING, OILY, INSINUATING "young man with the smarmy voice"--Noel Coward; "coy and smarmy"-- Bernard Hollowood; "smarmy insincerity" Eric Partridge; "a smarmy little melody"--Time rd -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list