[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Robert Hicks wrote: > > I haven't been keeping up. Is Gadfly still in development? > > I always find this question a little > irritating -- gadfly is perfect the > way it is :). If it ain't broke don't > fix it. At least until the python guys > make another non-backwards-compatible > change that makes a patch necessary > (speaking of things that irritate me...). > > Seriously, there are a few problems > that could be fixed that I can > think of, but mostly it works for what > it is -- why are people so concerned > that it's not changing? >
I didn't mean to be irritating and I wasn't concerned about it not changing but I could probably have stated the question a little better. For some reason I thought it was a dead project so maybe "still being maintained" would be a better statement. I dunno. Robert -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list