Sheldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The following script (using your function) raised no exception so it > worked! Elegant Alex, thanx. > > res = equalize_arrays(msgtmp,ppstmp,255) # class > (ppstmp,msgtmp) = res.equalize() # class method > for i in range(int(main.xsize)): > for j in range(int(main.ysize)): > if msgtmp[i,j] == 255 and ppstmp[i,j] != 255: > raise "equalize error!" > if ppstmp[i,j] == 255 and msgtmp[i,j] != 255: > raise "equalize error!" > I read up on the putmask function and I don't understand this part: > > >>> print x > [10 1 30 3 50] > >>> putmask(x, [1,0,1,0,1], [-1,-2]) > >>> print x > [-1 1 -1 3 -1] > > Can you explain why the -2 didn't factor in?
Because it always happens in places where the mask is 0, of course -- the third argument gets conceptually "repeated" to get the length of the mask, giving [-1, -2, -1, -2, -1] -- and the "-2" always occur where the mask is 0, so they don't matter. Exactly as I would expect from: >>> print Numeric.putmask.__doc__ putmask(a, mask, v) results in a = v for all places mask is true. If v is shorter than mask it will be repeated as necessary. In particular v can be a scalar or length 1 array. and I just can't see where you might have formed any different expectations from this documentation. Use a different mask, say [1,0,0,1,1] -- and the -2 in 4th place will be set into x, just like the -1 ocurrences at the start and end. Similarly, say: >>> Numeric.compress([1,0,1,0,1], [-1, -2]*3) array([-1, -1, -1]) even though here we have to explicitly use the "*3" part for repetition since compress, differently from putmask, doesn't implicitly repeat the last argument, the idea is similar: pick only elements corresponding to a true value in the mask argument. If what you want is to put -1 where the first 1 in the mask occurs, -2 where the 2nd 1 in the mask occurs, and so forth, you need some auxiliary manipulation of the indices to prepare the proper "values" array, for example: import Numeric class SequenceRepeater(object): def __init__(self, seq, thelen): self.seq = seq self.len = thelen def __len__(self): return self.len def __getitem__(self, i): if i<0: i += self.len return self.seq[i % len(self.seq)] def strangeput(anarray, amask, somevalues): repeater = SequenceRepeater(somevalues, len(amask)) somevalues = Numeric.take(repeater, Numeric.cumsum(amask)-1) Numeric.putmask(anarray, amask, somevalues) if __name__ == '__main__': x = Numeric.zeros(5) strangeput(x, [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [-1, -2]) print x brain:~/pynut alex$ python [-1 0 -2 0 -1] There may be simpler and faster approaches for this, of course, but I had this SequenceRepeater auxiliary class in my "mixed bag of useful stuff" so I just copied-and-pasted a solution based on it!-) Alex --