Hi All,
  It is nice to join the python group. Can someone please help me with
a python question?
I have the following object which is like a list of tuples
What command do I use to get the value corresponding to 'min'?
This object seems to be non-indexable

row= [('name', 'x1'), ('min', 15.449041129349528), ('max',
991.6337818245629), ('range', 976.18474069521335), ('mean',
496.82174193958127), ('stddev', 304.78275004920454), ('variance',
92892.524727555894), ('mode', '46.5818482111'), ('unique_count', '99'),
('count', 99.0), ('count_missing', 0.0), ('sum_weight', 99.0)]



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