greg wrote: > I have uploaded a new PyGUI 1.7.2 package to correct > a couple of errors in the file. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------- > > What is PyGUI? > -------------- > > PyGUI is an experimental highly-Pythonic cross-platform > GUI API. Implementations are currently available for > MacOSX and Gtk. For a full description of the project > goals, see the PyGUI web page at the above address. > > -- > Greg
I downloaded the new version of PyGUI, but I am having some problems with running it in the IDLE ide. I will use as an example. If I run the the makefile, then blobedit runs ok as an application. If I use the terminal, and execute pythonw with argument, then it runs ok. However, if I try to run in the IDLE ide, I get an error since it tries to open a file when no file was given. Looking at your code, I see that you noticed certain situation where this occurs and tried to handle it by comparing path == sys.argv[0] and skipping opening the file in this case. But, when running it within IDLE, the path is equal to "8833" for some reason. I tried to hunt down where the problem occurs, but I was led to the method "application_openFile_(self, ns_app, path)" in the class _PyGui_NSApplication. I couldn't find out how this method ever got called though. Is there some way to work around this problem? Thanks. -- Bill Hale --