if I try to run blobedit.py in the IDLE ide ...
> the path is equal to "8833" for some
I believe that IDLE sets up some kind of debugging connection to its child process. That number might be a processs ID or port number or something related to that.
I tried to hunt down where the problem occurs, but I was led to the method "application_openFile_(self, ns_app, path)" in the class _PyGui_NSApplication. I couldn't find out how this method ever got called though.
It's called by the Cocoa framework to handle files passed to the application from the Finder. It also seems to get called when there are command-line arguments. But it works on the C-level argv, which means it can pick up stuff that doesn't normally end up in sys.argv. The check for sys.argv[0] is there to work around one of the side effects of that. It appears that you've encountered another one. I'm using a different method of dealing with this now, which will probably fix your problem as well. I've attached a replacement for GUI/Cocoa/Applications.py. Let me know if it works for you. -- Greg
# # Python GUI - Application class - PyObjC # import os, sys, traceback import objc #from ExceptionHandling import \ # NSExceptionHandler, NSLogUncaughtExceptionMask, NSLogAndHandleEveryExceptionMask from Foundation import NSObject, NSBundle, NSDefaultRunLoopMode import AppKit from AppKit import NSApplication, NSResponder, NSScreen, NSMenu, NSMenuItem, \ NSKeyDown, NSKeyUp, NSMouseMoved, NSLeftMouseDown, NSSystemDefined, \ NSCommandKeyMask, NSPasteboard, NSStringPboardType, NSModalPanelRunLoopMode, \ NSAnyEventMask import GApplications from GApplications import application, Application as GApplication from Events import Event from Exceptions import Cancel, Quit from Menus import _ns_standard_actions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ns_application = None ns_screen_height = None ns_last_mouse_moved_event = None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Application(GApplication): # _ns_app _PyGui_NSApplication # _ns_pasteboard NSPasteboard # _ns_key_window Window _ns_menubar_update_pending = False def __init__(self, **kwds): #print "Application.__init__: argv =", sys.argv ### create_ns_application() self._ns_app = ns_application self._ns_app.pygui_app = self self._ns_init_standard_menu_items() self._ns_pasteboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() self._ns_key_window = None GApplication.__init__(self, **kwds) ns_application.init_application_name() def destroy(self): del self.menus[:] import Windows Windows._ns_zombie_window = None self._ns_app.pygui_app = None self._ns_app = None self._ns_pasteboard = None GApplication.destroy(self) def set_menus(self, menu_list): GApplication.set_menus(self, menu_list) self._update_menubar() def _update_menubar(self): ns_app = self._ns_app ns_menubar = NSMenu.alloc().initWithTitle_("") menu_list = self._effective_menus() for menu in menu_list: ns_item = NSMenuItem.alloc() ns_item.initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(menu.title, '', "") ns_menubar.addItem_(ns_item) ns_menu = menu._ns_menu # An NSMenu can only be a submenu of one menu at a time, so # remove it from the old menubar if necessary. old_supermenu = ns_menu.supermenu() if old_supermenu: i = old_supermenu.indexOfItemWithSubmenu_(ns_menu) old_supermenu.removeItemAtIndex_(i) ns_menubar.setSubmenu_forItem_(ns_menu, ns_item) ns_app.setMainMenu_(ns_menubar) # Apple's docs fail to explain that the menu you pass to setAppleMenu_ # must *also* be a member of the menu bar. ns_app_menu = menu_list[0]._ns_menu self._ns_app.setAppleMenu_(ns_app_menu) def handle_events(self): #print "Application.handle_events: entering NS run loop" ### #try: self._ns_app.run() #finally: #print "Application.handle_events: exiting NS run loop" ### def handle_next_event(self, modal_window = None): #print "Application.handle_next_event" ### ns_app = self._ns_app if modal_window: ns_mode = NSModalPanelRunLoopMode ns_modal_window = modal_window._ns_window else: ns_mode = NSDefaultRunLoopMode ns_modal_window = None ns_event = ns_app.nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_( NSAnyEventMask, None, ns_mode, True) if ns_event: ns_window = ns_event.window() if not ns_window or not ns_modal_window or ns_window == ns_modal_window: ns_app.sendEvent_(ns_event) def _find_target_window(self): # NSApplication.keyWindow() isn't reliable enough. We keep track # of the key window ourselves. return self._ns_key_window def zero_windows_allowed(self): return 1 def query_clipboard(self): pb = self._ns_pasteboard pb_types = pb.types() return NSStringPboardType in pb_types def get_clipboard(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Application.get_clipboard") def set_clipboard(self, data): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Application.set_clipboard") def _quit(self): #print "Application._quit" ### self._ns_app.stop_(self) def _ns_init_standard_menu_items(self): self._ns_standard_menu_items = {} for (cmd_name, ns_selector) in _ns_standard_actions.iteritems(): self._ns_standard_menu_items[cmd_name] = NSMenuItem.alloc().\ initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_("", ns_selector, "") def _dispatch_menu_setup(self, m): for (cmd_name, ns_menu_item) in self._ns_standard_menu_items.iteritems(): ns_selector = ns_menu_item.action() target = self._ns_app.targetForAction_(ns_selector) if target and target.respondsToSelector_('validateMenuItem:'): valid = target.validateMenuItem_(ns_menu_item) m[cmd_name].enabled = valid GApplication._dispatch_menu_setup(self, m) def setup_menus(self, m): if not self._ns_app.modalWindow(): GApplication.setup_menus(self, m) def process_args(self, args): # Don't need to do anything, since args seem to get passed to # us via application_openFile_ automatically when run with pythonw. # Note: When using py2app, argv_emulation should be disabled. #pass if args and args[0].startswith("-psn"): # Launched from MacOSX Finder -- wait for file open/app launch messages pass else: # Not launched from Finder or using argv emulation self._ns_app.using_clargs = True GApplication.process_args(self, args) def run(self): try: GApplication.run(self) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass except: traceback.print_exc() # A py2app bundled application seems to crash on exit if we don't # bail out really quickly here (Python 2.3, PyObjC 1.3.7, py2app 0.2.1, # MacOSX 10.4.4) os._exit(0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ns_key_event_mask = AppKit.NSKeyDownMask | AppKit.NSKeyUpMask #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class _PyGui_NSApplication(NSApplication): pygui_app = None files_opened = False using_clargs = False def sendEvent_(self, ns_event): # Perform special processing of key events. # Perform menu setup when menu bar is clicked. # Remember the most recent mouse-moved event to use as the # location of event types which do not have a location themselves. if pending_exception: raise_pending_exception() ns_type = ns_event.type() #print "sendEvent_:", ns_event ### if (1 << ns_type) & _ns_key_event_mask: self.process_key_event(ns_event) else: if ns_type == NSMouseMoved: global ns_last_mouse_moved_event ns_last_mouse_moved_event = ns_event elif ns_type == NSSystemDefined and ns_event.subtype() == 7 \ and not ns_event.window(): # Mouse down in the menu bar. We detect it by means of this strange # event because mouse-down events in the menu bar don't make it to # sendEvent: until it's too late. self.perform_menu_setup() NSApplication.sendEvent_(self, ns_event) def process_key_event(self, ns_event): # Perform menu setup before command-key events. # Send non-command key events to associated window if any, # otherwise pass them to the pygui application. This is necessary # because otherwise there is no way of receiving key events when # there are no windows. if ns_event.modifierFlags() & NSCommandKeyMask: self.perform_menu_setup() NSApplication.sendEvent_(self, ns_event) else: ns_window = ns_event.window() if ns_window: ns_window.sendEvent_(ns_event) else: self.pass_event_to_application(ns_event) def perform_menu_setup(self): app = self.pygui_app if app: app._perform_menu_setup() def pass_event_to_application(self, ns_event): app = self.pygui_app if app: event = Event(ns_event) app.handle(event.kind, event) # def sendAction_to_from_(self, action, target, sender): # print "_PyGui_NSApplication.sendAction_to_from_", action, target, sender ### # return NSApplication.sendAction_to_from_(self, action, target, sender) def menuSelection_(self, ns_menu_item): command = ns_menu_item.representedObject() index = ns_menu_item.tag() if index >= 0: self.dispatch_to_app(command, index) else: self.dispatch_to_app(command) def dispatch_to_app(self, *args): app = self.pygui_app if app: app.dispatch(*args) def validateMenuItem_(self, item): return False def undo_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('undo_cmd') def redo_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('redo_cmd') def cut_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('cut_cmd') def copy_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('copy_cmd') def paste_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('paste_cmd') def clear_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('clear_cmd') def select_all_(self, sender): self.dispatch_to_app('select_all_cmd') def init_application_name(self): # Arrange for the application name to be used as the title # of the application menu. ns_bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle() if ns_bundle: ns_info = ns_bundle.localizedInfoDictionary() if ns_info: if ns_info['CFBundleName'] == "Python": ns_info['CFBundleName'] = GApplications.application_name return #raise RuntimeError("No bundle information found. " # "Perhaps the application was not run with pythonw?") def application_openFile_(self, ns_app, path): if self.using_clargs: True #print "PyGUI_NSApplication.application_openFile_:", path ### # Bizarrely, argv[0] gets passed to application_openFile_ under # some circumstances. We don't want to try to open it! if path == sys.argv[0]: return True self.files_opened = True try: self.pygui_app.open_path(path) return True except Exception, e: self.pygui_app.report_error() return False def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification): if self.using_clargs: return #print "PyGUI_NSApplication.applicationDidFinishLaunching_" try: if not self.files_opened: self.pygui_app.open_app() except Exception, e: self.pygui_app.report_error() return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pending_exception = None def raise_pending_exception(): global pending_exception exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = pending_exception pending_exception = None raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb def create_ns_application(): global ns_application ns_application = _PyGui_NSApplication.sharedApplication() ns_application.setDelegate_(ns_application) ns_screen_height = NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size.height #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Disable this for now, since MachSignals.signal segfaults. :-( # #def _install_sigint_handler(): # print "_install_sigint_handler" ### # from Foundation import NSRunLoop # run_loop = NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop() # if not run_loop: # print "...No current run loop" ### # sys.exit(1) ### # MachSignals.signal(signal.SIGINT, _sigint_handler) # #from PyObjCTools.AppHelper import installMachInterrupt # #installMachInterrupt() # print "...done" ### # #def _sigint_handler(signum): # print "_sigint_handler" ### # raise KeyboardInterrupt #def _install_sigint_handler(): # import signal # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _raise_keyboard_interrupt) # #def _raise_keyboard_interrupt(signum, frame): # raise KeyboardInterrupt #_install_sigint_handler()
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