Gross, Dorit (SDRN) escribió:
>>> #! /usr/local/bin/python
>>> #
>>> import os, sys, glob
>>> fileList = glob.glob('/data/*.ZIP')
>>> for f in fileList:
>>>     try: 
>>>             globvars = {'infile' : f}
>>>             locvars = {}
>>>             execfile('/scripts/', globvars(), locvars)
>>>     except IOError:
>>>             exit(0)
>>>     print locvars
>> You are calling the dictionary globvars as a function then the error. 
>> The fixed line is:
>> execfile('/scripts/', globvars, locvars)
>> What you want is the function globals().
>> Try putting this line in
>> print globals()['infile']
>> Using the dictionary returned by globals() you can make to 
>> read the contents of's globvars dictionary.
>> locvars is populated with the local variables of 
>> and that is 
>> what you want.
> Marcelo, thank you! Passing the variables with dictonaries and function
> globals() works fine if no other functions are defined in ''. Now
> '' contains further functions and a "if __name__ = __main__"
> statement and in this case it seems that '' is not fully executed
> from ''. For the sole purpose of testing, '' looks like
> this at the moment:
> #! /usr/local/bin/python
> #
> import os, sys
> global zipfile
> print 'Read from globals: ' + globals()['infile']
> zipfile = globals()['infile']
> print 'Read from zipfile: ' + zipfile
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>       print 'Hello'
>       print globals()['infile']
>       print zipfile
> Calling results into this output:
>  ./ 
> Read from globals: /data/S0012230_0010.ZIP
> Read from zipfile: /data/S0012230_0010.ZIP
> It seems that the commands within the main are not executed when calling
>!?! Is there a way to make it running?
> Regards and thank you again, 
> Dorit
If you print __name__ in its value is '__builtin__', because 
of that your "main" doesn't execute.
Try adding this to before the execfile() call:

globvars[ '__name__' ] = '__main__'

It looks like a ad hoc fix but i couldn't find any doc about the change 
of __name__ to 'builtin' of a python script being run
from another with execfile().


Marcelo Ramos
Fedora Core 5 | 2.6.16
Socio UYLUG Nro 125


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