
but the thing is that I want to have the syntactical sugar.
And I think that you could use elementtree or xist or any
other python tree structure module at the bottom. It could
be quite generic.

And with the syntactical sugar I find it a lot more readable.
A little bit like yaml, but you have the power of python aswell.

For example with syntactical sugar:

  # build a tree structure
  root = ET.Element("html")
              *=*text = "Page Title"
              *=*bgcolor = "#ffffff"
              *=*text = "Hello, World!"

This would then be this with element tree package.

  # build a tree structure
  root = ET.Element("html")
  head = ET.SubElement(root, "head")
  title = ET.SubElement(head, "title")
  title.text = "Page Title"
  body = ET.SubElement(root, "body")
  body.set("bgcolor", "#ffffff")
  body.text = "Hello, World!"

I find it a lot more readable with the syntactical sugar.
So I would really like to add this syntax.



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