Hi all, Can someone help me out. I am trying to determing for each run whether or not the test should pass or fail but I can't seem to access the results ..
Alternatively can someone suggest a better structure ( and a lesson as to the reasoning ) that would be great too!! cells={} cells["NOR3X1"]= { 'run' : [ 'lvs', 'drc' ], 'results' : [{ 'lvs' : 'pass' }, { 'drc' : 'fail' }] } cells["OR3X1"] = { 'run' : [ 'lvs' ], 'results' : [{ 'lvs' : 'pass' }] } cells["AND3X1"] = { 'run' : [ 'drc' ], 'results' : [{ 'drc' : 'fail' }] } def main(): for cell in cells: print cell for run in cells[cell]['run']: print cell, run, "should", cells[cell]['results'].index(run) I would expect the following OR3X1 OR3X1 lvs should pass NOR3X1 NOR3X1 lvs should pass NOR3X1 drc should fail AND3X1 AND3X1 drc should fail -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list