> Hello, I know this isn't really a python centric question, but I'm seeking
> help from my fellow python programmers. I've been learning python for the
> past year and a half, and I still haven't written anything substantial nor
> have I found an existing project which blows my hair back. Python is my
> first language, and I plan on learning lisp within the next week but
> before I do so I'd like to write something meaningful, does anyone have
> any suggestions? Something they always needed, but never got around to
> writing it? Without an imagination you pretty much stagnate your whole
> learning process. Thanks in advance.

>    That's really the right thing I want to know , I am a Python newbie
> ,and learn to know that python is very strong ability in large scale
> application , as a beginner , what is the first useful and meaningful
> widget can we create through Python ?

You guys might find browsing through
http://wiki.python.org/moin/CodingProjectIdeas inspiring.

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