Anthony Greene wrote:
> So true man, I guess I need to truly sit down and determine these things.
> I love to do a lot of things, read, hang out, skate, which are a few
> amongst other things....
 From the skating:

OK, say you have a 3-d surface, what is the path a ball bearing with a
particular momentum takes over time.  Can you display that: the 3-D
surface, the position as an animation?  Sure you can.  VPython gives
you all the display capabilities you need.  Start with 2-D and an
straight line.  Then move either to a more complex curve or 3-D
next.  The reason for using VPython is to get 3-D solved for you so
you can work on the position and momentum updates.  It even will do
anaglyph (colored glasses) and cross-eyed 3-D rendering, though the
default is to simply give you a 2-D window into the 3-D world.

If you do this, you might play with designing a virtual skate park.

--Scott David Daniels

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