Hi all,
I have a problem with threading. The following part should be running in a main programm all the time, but so that the main programm also works (like 2 seperate programms, but in one)
How to integrate the Code-part in the main programm, so that the mainprogramm works?
import win32com.client import time import os import threading
Document = win32com.client.Dispatch('MaxIm.Document') Application = win32com.client.Dispatch('MaxIm.Application') p = win32com.client.dynamic.Dispatch('PinPoint.Plate')
class TestThread ( threading.Thread ): path_to_watch = "F:/Images/VRT/" before = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)]) while 1: time.sleep(2) after2 = dict ([(f, None) for f in os.listdir (path_to_watch)]) added = [f for f in after2 if not f in before] if added: name= ' ,'.join (added) if str(name[-3:])=='fit': Document.OpenFile('F:/Images/VRT/'+name) Document.SaveFile('F:/Images/VRT/'+ str(name[0:-4])+'.jpg', 6, 1024,2) Application.CloseAll()
try: p.AttachFITS('F:/Images/VRT/'+name) p.ArcsecPerPixelHoriz = -1.7 p.ArcsecPerPixelVert = -1.7 p.MaxMatchResidual = 1.0 p.FitOrder = 3 p.CentroidAlgorithm = 0 p.RightAscension = p.TargetRightAscension p.Declination = p.TargetDeclination p.Catalog = 0 # GSC p.CatalogPath = 'F:/' p.ProjectionType = 1 # p.Solve() p.DetachFITS()
pRA = p.RightAscension pDec = p.Declination print pRA print pDec
except: p.DetachFITS() print 'Error' before = after2
For your prompt reply, I say thank you in advance.
Best regards, Aleksandar