I have been working on a little frontend for newspost. It runs newspost just fine and gets it's output. The problem is that i want it to get the stdout as the program runs, not hold it all till it's finished. I've tried a few variations of popen , and others with no luck.
Here is the subroutine that executes newspost: def on_BT_go_clicked(self,obj): self.notebook.set_current_page(3) newspost = "newspost -i " + self.newsserver.get_text() + " " newspost += "-z " + self.port.get_text() + " " if self.username.get_text() != "": newspost += "-u " + self.username.get_text() + " " if self.password.get_text() != "": newspost += "-p " + self.password.get_text() + " " newspost += "-f " + self.email.get_text() + " " newspost += "-n " + self.newsgroup.get_text() + " " newspost += "-s \"" + self.subject.get_text() + "\" " if self.include_file_x_of_y.get_active(): newspost += "-q " if self.yenc.get_active(): newspost += "-y " for row in self.listmodel: newspost += "\"" + row[0] + "\" " pipe = os.popen(newspost) while 1: output = pipe.read() if not(output): break textiter = self.textbuffer.get_end_iter() self.textbuffer.insert(textiter, output) pipe.close() -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list