Tim Hochberg wrote:
> Tim Hochberg wrote:
>> I don't think that's correct. I think that with a suitably designed 
>> HtmlDocument object, the following should be possible:
>> with HtmlDocument("Title") as doc:
>>     with doc.element("body"):
>>        doc.text("before first h1")
>>        with doc.element("h1", style="first"):
>>           doc.text("first h1")
>>        # I don't understand the point of tail, but you could do that too
>>        doc.text("after first h1")
>>        with doc.element("h1", style="second"):
>>            doc.text("second h1")
>>        doc.text("after second h1")
> Here's code to do this. It would be probably be better to use elment 
> tree or some such instead of pushing out the HTML directly, but this 
> should get the idea across (testing using 2.5a1):
Thanks, that's great!  If you don't mind, I'm going to steal your code 
for the PEP.  I think it makes a pretty good case against expanding the 
statement semantics to include customizing the dict in which the code is 


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