Michael Sperlle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible? Bestcrypt can supposedly be set up on linux, but it seems
> to need changes to the kernel before it can be installed, and I have no
> intention of going through whatever hell that would cause.
> If I could create a large file that could be encrypted, and maybe add
> files to it by appending them and putting in some kind of delimiter
> between files, maybe a homemade version of truecrypt could be constructed.
> Any idea what it would take?

you can either use fuse and its python bindings - this is rather trivial
filesystem-wise, of course there are challenges in order to implement
encryption effectively and efficiently (this is what encfs or phonebook
do, but they are written in C)

Or implement encrypted  network block device in python - again, this
should not be _that_ hard.

Or implement either nfs or samba server with transparent encrypted
storage - this is what (again in C) cfs does. If you go the samba way,
it would be even cross-platform - but I have no idea how difficult it
would be to implement a samba server in python.

In all the cases, performance is going to be THE issue.

| Radovan GarabĂ­k http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @ kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk     |
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Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

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