>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Sperlle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Michael> Is it possible? Bestcrypt can supposedly be set up on
    Michael> linux, but it seems to need changes to the kernel before
    Michael> it can be installed, and I have no intention of going
    Michael> through whatever hell that would cause.

    Michael> If I could create a large file that could be encrypted,
    Michael> and maybe add files to it by appending them and putting
    Michael> in some kind of delimiter between files, maybe a homemade
    Michael> version of truecrypt could be constructed.

One problem in using a large file which is encrypted is that a single
byte error can destroy all your data (see DEDICATION below).  I wrote
a little python module called hashtar that works like tar, but
encrypts every file independently in a flattened dir structure with
filename hiding.  It stores the file permissions, dir structure, and
ownership in an encrypted header of each encrypted file after first
padding some random data at the top to reduce the risk of known
plaintext attacks.

Here is some example usage

    > hashtar.py -cvf numeric.htar numeric
    numeric/__init__.py -> numeric.htar/1a/1a9f48d439144d1fa33b186fa49a6b63
    numeric/contiguous_demo.py -> 
    numeric/diff_dmo.py -> numeric.htar/0c/0cea827761aef0ccfc55a869dd2aeb38
    numeric/fileio.py -> numeric.htar/3e/3e50f59a1d2d87307c585212fb84be6a
    numeric/find -> numeric.htar/b1/b1070de08f4ea531f10abdc58cfe8edc
    > find numeric.htar|head
    > hashtar.py -tvf numeric.htar
    131     numeric/__init__.py
    594     numeric/contiguous_demo.py
    26944   numeric/Quant.pyc
    209     numeric/extensions/test/rpm_build.sh
    230     numeric/diff_dmo.py
    439     numeric/fileio.py

It works across platforms (win32, OSX and linux tested), so files
encrypted on one will decrypt on others.

All the code lives in a single file (hashtar.py) included below.

See also the WARNING below (hint -- I am not a cryptographer)

#!/usr/bin/env python

  hashtar: an encrypted archive utility designed for secure archiving
  to media vulnerable to corruption.

  Recursively encrypt the files and directories passed as arguments.
  Rather than preserving the directory structure, or archiving to a
  single file as in tar, the files are encrypted to a single dir and
  named with the hash of their relative path.  The file information
  (filename, permission mode, uid, gid) is encrypted and stored in the
  header of the file itself, and can be used to restore the original
  file with dir structure from the archive file.  For example, the

    > hashtar.py -cvf tmp.htar finance/

  prompts for a password and generates an encrypted recursive archive
  of the finance dir in the tmp.htar dir, with filenames mapped like

    finance/irs/98/f1040.pdf -> tmp.htar/e5/e5ed546c0bc0191d80d791bc2f73c890
    finance/sale_house/notes -> tmp.htar/58/580e89bad7563ae76c295f75aecea030
    finance/online/accounts.gz.mcr -> 
    finance/phone/prepaid1242.doc -> 

  The encrypted files are placed in subdirs based on the first two
  characters in their hash name because if too many files are placed
  in one dir, it may not be possible to pass all of them as command
  line arguments to the restore command.  The entire finance dir
  structure can later be restored with
    > hashtar.py -xvf tmp.htar

  The advantage of this method of encrypted archiving, as opposed to
  archiving to a single tar file and encrypting it, is that this
  method is not sensitive to single byte corruption, which becomes
  important especially on externally stored archives, such as on CDR,
  or DVDR.  Any individual file contains all the information needed to
  restore itself, with directory structure, permission bits, etc.  So
  only the specific files that are corrupted on the media will be

  The alternative strategy, encrypting all the files in place and then
  archiving to external media, doesn't suffer from single byte
  corruption but affords less privacy since the filenames, dir
  structure, and permission bits are available, and less security
  since a filename may indicate contents and thus expose the archive
  to a known plaintext attack.

  A match string allows you to only extract files matching a given
  pattern.  Eg, to only extract pdf and xls files, do

   > hashtar.py -m pdf,xls -xvf tmp.htar

  Because the filenames are stored in the header, only a small portion
  of the file needs to be decrypted to determine the match, so this is
  quite fast.

  Data can be encrypted and decrypted across platforms (tested between
  linux and win32 and vice-versa) but of course some information may
  be lost, such as uid, gid for platforms that don't support it.

  > hashtar.py [OPTIONS] files


  -h, --help            Show  help message and exit
  -fDIR, --arcdir=DIR   Write hashed filenames to archive dir
  -pFILE, --passwdfile=FILE
                        Get passwd from FILE, otherwise prompt
  -mPATTERN, --match=PATTERN
                        Only extract files that match PATTERN.
                        PATTERN is a comma separated list of strings,
                        one of which must match the filename
  -u, --unlink          Delete files after archiving them
  -c, --create          Create archive dir
  -t, --tell            Report information about files
  -x, --extract         Extract files recursively from archive dir
  -v, --verbose         Verbose listing of filenames to stdout


  I think this software is suitable to protect your data from your
  sister, your boss, and even the nosy computer hacker next door, but
  not the NSA.


  python2.3               - python.org
  yawPyCrypto and Flatten - http://yawpycrypto.sourceforge.net/
  pycrypto                - http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html

  The python dependencies are very easy to install; just do the usual
  > python setup.py install


  Tested on linux and win32


  John D. Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  same as python2.3


  Ignores symbolic links


  For Erik Curiel, who's life's work I lost when I volunteered to
  backup the only copy of his home dir on a CD containing a single
  encrypted gzipped tar file, which was subsequently corrupted.


import sys, os, random, struct, csv, time, glob
from md5 import md5
from optparse import OptionParser
from cStringIO import StringIO
from getpass import getpass
#def getpass(arg): pass
from yawPyCrypto.Cipher import DecryptCipher, EncryptCipher
from yawPyCrypto.Cipher import ZipDecryptCipher, ZipEncryptCipher
from yawPyCrypto.Constants import CIPHER_BLOWFISH, MODE_CBC

version = 0.3
pathsep = os.path.join('.','')[1:]  # is there a better way to get this?

def encrypt_str(passwd, s, enc=None):
    Encrypt the string s using passwd and encryption cipher enc
    if enc is None:
        enc = ZipEncryptCipher(passwd, CIPHER_BLOWFISH, MODE_CBC)
    return enc.data

def decrypt_str(passwd, s, dec=None):
    Decrypt the string s using passwd and encryption cipher enc
    if dec is None:
        dec = ZipDecryptCipher(passwd)
    return dec.data

def ends_with_pathsep(fname):
    Return true if string fname ends in a path separator string
    head, tail = os.path.split(fname)
    return tail == ''

junk = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_- 
numJunk = 200

def info_to_str(info):
    info is a fname, mode, uid, gid tuple

    Return a string for storage in the encrypted archive outfile
    global junk
    # Here is the real info string
    sh = StringIO()
    writer = csv.writer(sh)
    s = sh.getvalue()
    # because the info string will be fed thru zlib before encryption,
    # I'm prepending numJunk garbage characters at the beginning of
    # the key string to make it difficult for someone trying to do a
    # known plaintext attack on the key file given that the info
    # contains plain text that might be guessed and plain text that is
    # common between archive file (such as base path names).
    junkStr = ''.join(junk[:numJunk])

    return junkStr + s

def str_to_info(s):
    Takes string and returns (fname, mode, uid, gid)
    sh = StringIO(s[numJunk:]) 
    reader = csv.reader(sh)
    for row in reader:
        fname,mode,uid,gid =  row
        return fname, int(mode), int(uid), int(gid)

def encode(infile, arcdir, passwd, unlink=0, verbose=0, endian='little'):
    Encrypt the file infile and hash it's filename to arcdir
    - infile: the input filename
    - arcdir is the dir that the files where the hashed filenames will
      be placed
    - passwd is the encryption passwd as string
    - unlink, if true, will try to remove the src file after
      archiving it


    if not os.path.exists(infile):
        print >> sys.stderr, '%s does not exist: skipping' % infile

    if os.path.isdir(infile):
        # mark dirs with pathsep at the end if they don't have one
        head, tail = os.path.split(infile)
        if not ends_with_pathsep(infile):
            infile = os.path.join(infile, '')
    m = md5(infile)
    hd = m.hexdigest()
    tup = os.stat(infile)

    if pathsep=='/': storeName = infile
    else: storeName = '/'.join(infile.split(pathsep))
    s = info_to_str( (storeName, tup.st_mode, tup.st_uid, tup.st_gid) )
    s = encrypt_str(passwd, s)

    outdir = os.path.join(arcdir, hd[:2])
    if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir, 0700)
    outfile = os.path.join(outdir, hd)

    oh =  file(outfile, 'wb')

    if endian=='little': fmt = '<'
    else:                fmt = '>'

    oh.write(struct.pack(fmt+'fI', version, len(s)))

    if verbose: print '%s -> %s' % (infile, outfile)
    if os.path.isdir(infile): return 1 # nothing more to do for dirs

    ih = file(infile, 'rb')    
    enc = EncryptCipher(passwd, CIPHER_BLOWFISH, MODE_CBC)
    while 1:
        data = ih.read(1024)
        if len(data)==0: break

    if unlink:
        try: os.remove(infile)
        except OSError, msg:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not remove', fname
            print >> sys.stderr, msg

    return 1

def decode(infile, passwd, unlink=0, verbose=0, match=None, endian='little'):
    Restore the original file system from the archive dir
    - keys is a list of file information tuples; see str_to_keys.
    - arcdir is the dir that the files with hashed filenames live
    - passwd is the decryption passwd as string
    - unlink, if true, will try to remove the archice file after
      restoring it

    ih = file(infile, 'rb')
    if endian=='little': fmt = '<'
    else:                fmt = '>'
    thisVersion, lenHeader = struct.unpack(fmt+'fI', ih.read(8))
    if lenHeader>2000:
        print '%s header size %d too large; aborting (try flipping 
endian)'%(infile, lenHeader)

    try:   header =  decrypt_str(passwd, ih.read(lenHeader))
    except MemoryError, msg:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not decode %s; skipping' % infile
        return 0
    except ValueError, msg:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not decode %s; bad passwd or file?' % infile
        print >>sys.stderr, '\t', msg
        return 0
    fname, mode, uid, gid = str_to_info(header)

    if match is not None:
        for pattern in match.split(','):
            if fname.find(pattern)!=-1: break
        else: return 0
    if verbose: print '%s -> %s' % (infile,fname)
    if ends_with_pathsep(fname):  # it's a dir
        if not os.path.isdir(fname):
            os.chmod(fname, mode)
            try: os.chown(fname, uid, gid)
            except AttributeError, msg: pass
            except OSError, msg: pass  # if coming from win32, uid,gid=0

        return 1  # nothing more to do

    thedir, thename = os.path.split(fname)
    if not os.path.isdir(thedir) and len(thedir):  os.makedirs(thedir)

    dec = DecryptCipher(passwd)
    oh = file(fname, 'wb')

    while 1:
        data = ih.read(1024)
        if len(data)==0: break

    os.chmod(fname, mode)
    try: os.chown(fname, uid, gid)
    except AttributeError: pass
    except OSError, msg: pass # if coming from win32, uid,gid=0

    if unlink:
        try: os.remove(infile)
        except OSError, msg:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not remove', infile

def tell(infile, passwd, verbose=0, endian='little'):
    Report the information about infile

    if endian=='little': fmt = '<'
    else:                fmt = '>'

    ih = file(infile, 'rb')
    thisVersion, lenHeader = struct.unpack(fmt+'fI', ih.read(8))
    if lenHeader>2000:
        print '%s header size %d too large; aborting (try flipping 
endian)'%(infile, lenHeader)
    try:   header =  decrypt_str(passwd, ih.read(lenHeader))
    except MemoryError, msg:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not decode %s; skipping' % infile
        return 0
    except ValueError, msg:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not decode %s; bad passwd or file?' % infile
        print >>sys.stderr, '\t', msg
        return 0
    size = os.path.getsize(infile)-lenHeader
    fname, mode, uid, gid = str_to_info(header)

    print '%d\t%s'%(size, fname)

def getpass2():
    Prompt for a passwd twice, returning the string only when they
    p1 = getpass('Password: ')
    p2 = getpass('Confirm: ')
    if p1!=p2:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\nPasswords do not match.  Try again.\n'
        return getpass2()
        return p1
def listFiles(root, patterns='*', recurse=1, return_folders=0):
    # from Parmar and Martelli in the Python Cookbook
    import os.path, fnmatch
    # Expand patterns from semicolon-separated string to list
    pattern_list = patterns.split(';')
    # Collect input and output arguments into one bunch
    class Bunch:
        def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds)
    arg = Bunch(recurse=recurse, pattern_list=pattern_list,
        return_folders=return_folders, results=[])

    def visit(arg, dirname, files):
        # Append to arg.results all relevant files (and perhaps folders)
        for name in files:
            fullname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, name))
            if arg.return_folders or os.path.isfile(fullname):
                for pattern in arg.pattern_list:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
        # Block recursion if recursion was disallowed
        if not arg.recurse: files[:]=[]

    os.path.walk(root, visit, arg)

    return arg.results

def get_recursive_filelist(args):
    Recurs all the files and dirs in args ignoring symbolic links and
    return the files as a list of strings
    files = []
    for arg in args:
        if os.path.isfile(arg):
        if os.path.isdir(arg):
            newfiles = listFiles(arg, recurse=1, return_folders=1)

    return [f for f in files if not os.path.islink(f)]

if __name__=='__main__':
    parser = OptionParser()

    parser.add_option("-f", "--arcdir", dest="arcdir",
                      help="Write hashed filenames to archive dir",

    parser.add_option("-e", "--endian", dest="endian",

    parser.add_option("-p", "--passwdfile", dest="passwdfile",
                      help="Get passwd from FILE, otherwise prompt",
                      metavar="FILE", default=None)

    parser.add_option("-m", "--match", dest="match",
                      help="Only extract files that match PATTERN.  PATTERN is 
a comma separated list of strings, one of which must match the filename",
                      metavar="PATTERN", default=None)

    parser.add_option("-u", "--unlink",
                      action="store_true", dest="unlink", default=False,
                      help="Delete files after archiving them")

    parser.add_option("-c", "--create",
                      action="store_true", dest="create", default=False,
                      help="Create archive dir")

    parser.add_option("-x", "--extract",
                      action="store_true", dest="extract", default=False,
                      help="Extract files recursively from archive dir")

    parser.add_option("-t", "--tell",
                      action="store_true", dest="tell", default=False,
                      help="Report information about file but do not extract")

    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                      action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
                      help="Verbose listing of filenames to stdout")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if options.create and options.extract:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot create and extract archive simultaneously!'
    if not( options.create or options.extract or options.tell):
        print >>sys.stderr, 'You must specify either -c or -x!'
    if os.path.exists(options.arcdir) and not os.path.isdir(options.arcdir):
        print '%s exists and is not a dir' % options.arcdir

    if not os.path.exists(options.arcdir):

    if options.passwdfile is not None:
        passwd = file(options.passwdfile, 'rb').read()
        if options.create: passwd = getpass2()
        else: passwd = getpass()

    if options.extract:
        if len(args)==0:
            args = [options.arcdir]
        files = get_recursive_filelist(args)

        for thisFile in files:
            head, tail = os.path.split(thisFile)
            if not os.path.isfile(thisFile): continue
            if not len(tail)==32:
                print >>sys.stderr, '%s does not look like a hashname; 
skipping' % thisFile
            decode(thisFile, passwd,
    elif options.tell:
        if len(args)==0:
            args = [options.arcdir]
        files = get_recursive_filelist(args)

        for thisFile in files:
            head, tail = os.path.split(thisFile)
            if not os.path.isfile(thisFile): continue
            if not len(tail)==32:
                print >>sys.stderr, '%s does not look like a hashname; 
skipping' % thisFile
            tell(thisFile, passwd, verbose=options.verbose, 

        if sys.platform=='win32':
            # do glob expansion manually
            expand = []
            for arg in args:
            args = expand
        files = get_recursive_filelist(args)
        for thisFile in files:
            encode(thisFile, options.arcdir, passwd,


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