On 2006-04-08, Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As for *learning* the languages: never learn a language
> without a specific inducement.

That's silly.  Learning (weather a computer language, a natural
language, or anything else) is never a bad thing.  The more
languages you know, the more you understand about languages in
general.  Learning languages is like any other skill: the more
you do it, the better you get at it.

> If you know you are going to write a Python extension, an
> Apache module, or a Linux kernel module in the near future,
> start learning C today. If you don't know what you want to use
> it for, learning it might be a waste of time, as you won't
> know what to look for if you don't have a specific project in
> mind.

Geeze, when I think of all the things I've "wasted my time"

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Kids, don't gross me
                                  at               off... "Adventures with
                               visi.com            MENTAL HYGIENE" can be
                                                   carried too FAR!

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