On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 20:34:28 +0200, Mitja Trampus wrote:
> I would have done it in the same way, but probably without the iterators. 
> I.e., like this:
> def maximum(lst):
>       try: m = lst[0]
>       except (TypeError, IndexError): raise Exception "Non-sequence or empty 
> sequence given to 
> maximum")
>       # (you forgot the above sanity checks in your code.
>       # not strictly necessary, but nice to have.)
>       for x in lst:
>               if x>m: m=x
>       return m

I left out the original sanity check, because I just wanted a streamlined
simple example.

I had a nagging feeling that I was missing something simple, and you have
put your finger on it.  That's perfect!  It's simple, it's clear, and it
will work on any version of Python.  Thanks!
Steve R. Hastings    "Vita est"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.blarg.net/~steveha


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