Steve R. Hastings wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:34:16 -0700, Steven Bethard wrote:
>> What's the original?
> def minimum(cmp, lst):
>   """minimum(cmp, lst)
>   Returns the minimal element in non-empty list LST with elements
>   compared via CMP() which should return values with the same semantics
>   as Python's cmp().  If there are several minimal elements, the last
>   one is returned.
>   """
>   if not lst:
>     raise ValueError, 'empty list'
>   minval = lst[0]
>   for i in xrange(1, len(lst)):
>     v = lst[i]
>     if cmp(minval, v) > 0:
>       minval = v
>   return minval
> This is from Google's "goopy" package.

Ahh.  Yeah, nasty cmp= arguments certainly do screw that up.

If you're not just trying to implement a particular API, and you 
actually have a use-case you think you need this for, you might consider 
a key= argument instead of a cmp= argument.  It'll probably be at least 
as fast, and Python 2.5 will have one on both min() and max().  It'll 
work something like:


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