On 3/24/06, Sebastjan Trepca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > m.select('myfolder')
Some attention is required here to retrieve subfolders. Some imap servers like Cyrus and Courier uses "INBOX.subfolder" to access subfolders. -- Marco Carvalho (macs) | marcoacarvalho(a)gmail.com http://arrakis.no-ip.info | http://cdd.debian-br.org Maceio - Alagoas - Brazil Debian GNU/Linux unstable (Sid) GNU-PG ID:08D82127 - Linux Registered User #141545 Notícias Semanais do Debian em Português: http://www.debian.org/News/weekly Alertas de Segurança Debian (DSA): http://www.debian.org/security -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list