Sebastjan Trepca wrote:
> A very simple example...
> import imaplib
> m = imap.IMAP4(<myserver ip or host>)
> m.login(username,password)
> status, data =,'(SUBJECT "BIKES")')
> assert status=='OK', "Error. Message: %s"%data
> data = data[0] #you get your results in a list and search returns only
> one result
> assert data,"No results"
> #cool, we have results, but IMAP's search command only returns IDs so
> we have to fetch
> #msgs now
> status,senders = m.fetch(data.replace('
> assert status=='OK', "Error. Message: %s"%data
> Now you just have to parse the "senders" data. There are many examples
> about sending emails with python, like this one:
> def send_notice():
>       import smtplib
>       msg = 'we got your mail, indeed'
>       from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
>       mail = MIMEText(msg, 'plain', 'utf-8')
>       mail['From'] =fro='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>       mail['Subject'] = "Spam machine"
>       mail['To'] = to = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>       server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
>       errors = server.sendmail(fro, to, mail.as_string())
>       server.quit()
> That other program should be very simple to make now.
> Sebastjan
> On 3/24/06, Kun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey guys, I would like to have a code in python (as simple as possible)
>> to scan a specific folder in my mailbox and if the subject is equal to,
>> say, 'BIKES', I would like to have the code automatically send the
>> SENDER an email saying something like "We have received your Email".
>> Furthermore, I would also like to somehow save the sender's email into a
>> list which would be compiled by another python program into an html file
>> that would show a list of email addresses whose subject matched 'BIKE'
>> I know i am asking for a lot but since i am new to python, can someone
>> help me out with this? Whether its tips or code, i'll be very excited to
>> hear your answer.  Thanks.
>> --

Thank you very much for your help.  I am trying to use your code and 
currently it works up to the 'fetch', where I am getting the following 

error: FETCH command error: BAD ['Protocol Error: "Specified message set 
is invalid".']

I guess I do not understand why you have data.replace('',',') and what 
",','  means.

Thanks so much.


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