Em Sáb, 2006-03-18 às 14:26 -0500, Roy Smith escreveu:
> "WangQiang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm also a programmer, as working in front of computer day and day, my
> > right hand is so tired and ached. So I tried to mouse in both hands. I
> > find that it is really an efficient way to release pains. At first I
> > switched the mouse buttons in windows control panel, but it taked me
> > several steps to finish it
> I never understood why people switch mouse buttons.  I'm left handed, so I 
> put the mouse on the left side of my keyboard.  It never occurred to me to 
> flip the buttons around.

I'm also left handed and using the middle finger for left click leave my
index finger for middle or right clicking or scrolling with the wheel. I
find it much easier to do this way, specially when programming, where I
do lots of copy & pastes with middle click, and playing first person

But for me the greatest advantage is that, as my index finger is more
precise than the middle one, I leave my best finger to the activity that
need most accuracy: scrolling with the wheel. The middle finger just
have to click, very easy.



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