Roy Smith wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Scott David Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Roy Smith wrote:
>>> I never understood why people switch mouse buttons.  I'm left handed, so I 
>>> put the mouse on the left side of my keyboard.  It never occurred to me to 
>>> flip the buttons around.
>> Well, I switch 'em because the "forefinger is primary" is ingrained.
> I do both buttons with my forefinger.  It just seems like the normal thing 
> to do.
Ahhhh, but if you had been around when "chording" was practiced (a
technique that makes no sense with less than 3 buttons), you would have
been used to having to have pairs of buttons down at a time.  With that
style, it does make a difference which button the forefinger is over.

-Scott David Daniels

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