I am no VB programmer just dabble in vbscripting abit. The only one I am aware of is the popup as self closing. I never thought of using com.
Do you know of any thing for a busy box in the same vain as easygui "Claudio Grondi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > LittlePython wrote: > > That is exactly what I was look for .. thx > Surprised to hear that. > > As VisualBasic programmer I would expect you to have experience with > ActiveX on Windows, where the best way to go with Python is to reuse all > the ActiveX components and their known user interfaces (i.e. constants > to use as parameter and constants for interpretation of return values) > directly from within Python. > > A message box goes e.g. this way: > > >>> import win32com.client > >>> axWshShell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") > >>> axWshShell.Popup(u"(MsgText)This axWshShell.Popup closes itself > after 45 seconds", 45, u"(MsgTitle)Testing WScript.Shell object:", 1) > > By the way: is there a ready for direct use timed self closing Ok/Cancel > message box in any of the proposed GUI packages? > > Claudio > > > > > > "Kent Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > >>LittlePython wrote: > >> > >>>Is there an equivalent to a msgbox() or wscript.echo (via wcsript) . I > >>>would like to call this instead of print (to the screen) . I would like > >>>to write a simple script that is not an event drive gui but calls input > >>>boxes, message boxes, or maybe even a file open browser box as well? > >> > >>Take a look at EasyGUI: > >>http://www.ferg.org/easygui/ > >> > >>Kent > > > > > > -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list