LittlePython wrote: > I am no VB programmer just dabble in vbscripting abit. The only one I am > aware of is the popup as self closing. I never thought of using com. Ok, so my remarks about COM were not for you. > > Do you know of any thing for a busy box in the same vain as easygui No, I don't, but it doesn't mean, that there is none considering myriads of various available COM components. My idea was to make you aware, that you can use your VB compiler for creating any ActiveX/COM components for usage with Python the way I have described, but as you write it seems not to be an option for you.
So I have to admit, that EasyGUI is in your case apparently >>> exactly what you was looking for ... :-) Claudio > > > "Claudio Grondi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > >>LittlePython wrote: >> >>>That is exactly what I was look for .. thx >> >>Surprised to hear that. >> >>As VisualBasic programmer I would expect you to have experience with >>ActiveX on Windows, where the best way to go with Python is to reuse all >>the ActiveX components and their known user interfaces (i.e. constants >>to use as parameter and constants for interpretation of return values) >>directly from within Python. >> >>A message box goes e.g. this way: >> >> >>> import win32com.client >> >>> axWshShell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") >> >>> axWshShell.Popup(u"(MsgText)This axWshShell.Popup closes itself >>after 45 seconds", 45, u"(MsgTitle)Testing WScript.Shell object:", 1) >> >>By the way: is there a ready for direct use timed self closing Ok/Cancel >>message box in any of the proposed GUI packages? >> >>Claudio >> >>> >>>"Kent Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message >>>news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> >>> >>>>LittlePython wrote: >>>> >>>> >>>>>Is there an equivalent to a msgbox() or wscript.echo (via wcsript) . I >>>>>would like to call this instead of print (to the screen) . I would like >>>>>to write a simple script that is not an event drive gui but calls input >>>>>boxes, message boxes, or maybe even a file open browser box as well? >>>> >>>>Take a look at EasyGUI: >>>> >>>> >>>>Kent >>> >>> >>> > > --